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Cloud adoption is growing, at an ACCELERATED rate! The bad guys love the cloud too, since it’s where valuable data resides, and is often prone to misconfigurations or errors if it’s not dealt with properly. We’ll talk about 17 open source cloud security tools that have helped organisations globally over years. Here goes!

Cloud Security Scanning

Probably one of the most important aspects of public cloud security! It is extremely crucial to ensure security teams have visibility into cloud deployments as well as get notified of any misconfiguration that could lead to a potential security breach.

#1 Security Monkey

Use Case : Scanning for Cloud Misconfigurations

Details : Netflix has been very kind to the public cloud and cyber security community by releasing a series of open source projectsSecurity Monkey, is tool by Netflix that automates configuration reviews of public cloud infrastructure. 

Checks such as mis-configured security groups, public EC2 instances can be done in a few simple steps at scale. All you would need is a lightweight compute instance and grant it read-only access to commonly used AWS services, Security Monkey would then iterate over your services and resources to flag potential security issues; web reports are generated for quick access and analysis.

This is what you can expect from a report out of Security Monkey:

security monkey report


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#2 CloudMapper

Use Case : Cloud Network Visualisation & Configuration Scanning

Details : Provided as an open source project by DuoLabsCloudMapper can be used to detect security issues as well as create visual network layouts of a public cloud deployment. The visualiser is a useful tool to map the extent of your public cloud network and potential integrations that could grant permissive access. 

The security scanning module is quite extensive that actually saves the AWS configuration in well structured json files that can be used for future analysis. It also generates HTML reports for reviews. CloudMapper can be deployed in standalone machines as well as a neatly integrated ECS setup.

Here’s what a typical CloudMapper public cloud visualisation looks like:

cloudmapper visualisation


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Identity & Access Management

A few picks from our end to manage identities and access at scale:

#3 Keycloak

Use Case : Single sign-on
Details : Cloud identities can be managed centrally by leveraging single sign-on solutions. Keycloak provides an open source option to delegate authentication and authorisation to a central identity provider. By leveraging SAML organisations can integrate cloud providers with Keycloak as an authentication pretty easily.

#4 ConsoleMe

Use Case : Least Privileged Access Provisioning

Details : Yet another awesome utility by Netflix that helps organisations streamline their access provisioning process. Rather than relying on a trial and error approach, ConsoleMe enables engineering teams to request for cloud access using a workflow that ensures policies are created in an efficient manner and are minimum privilege. More no  for AWS cloud deployments.


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Network Security

The first line of defence for an organisation’s critical network hosted assets! Here are a couple of enterprise grade network security tools that help protect your public facing assets.

#5 Snort

Use Case : Defend Against Layer 7 Attacks
Details : The world’s most popular intrusion prevention system, that’s been around for decades (launched in 1998!). The platform essentially works on signatures that are defined for known attack patterns, and automatically detects and protects an enterprise infrastructure against these. Snort comes shipped with numerous plugins and is backed by a powerful community.
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#6 ModSecurity

Use Case : Defend Against Web Attacks
Details : ModSecurity is a lightweight web application firewall that protects applications against web attacks such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection. It is available as a plugin with popular web servers like Apache HTTPD, NGINX and comes shipped with rule libraries for a variety of attack types.
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Data Security

You’ve probably heard this already – “data is the most valuable asset today”! So how does one go about protecting sensitive data, let’s look at few open source tools that help.

#7 Redash

Use Case : Database Wrapper

Details : At times, organisations need to grant database access to users for purposes such as analytics, investigations. In case direct access to the database is granted, it can lead to a variety of security issues since database users are usually native and not tied to individual user identities. Redash can be used as a wrapper on top of SQL databases as well as no-SQL databases to solve for this. It easily integrates with central authentication systems and provides role based access control.

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Credential Security

#8 Hashicorp Vault

Use Case : Centralised Credential Storage

Details : A popular and enterprise grade credential vault that provides functionalities such as credential storage, encryption, rotation and API access. It eliminates the need to store credentials within code or local configurations hence minimising the risk of accidental credential leakage.

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#9 Git-Secrets


Use Case : Credential Scanning

Details : Credentials get accidentally committed in a git repository, the git repository accidentally goes public, and there! Adversaries immediately have access to resources permitted by the secret. Git-secrets helps scan git repositories to discover credentials that might have been unintentionally left out there.

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Vulnerability Management

Once you’ve nailed the public cloud control plane from a security standpoint, infrastructure comes next! And a comprehensive vulnerability management program is the starting point for infrastructure security.

#10 OpenVAS

Use Case : Detect Infrastructure Level Vulnerabilities

Details : One of the most popular open source vulnerability scanners available today! It provides discovery capabilities and ships with hundreds of vulnerability identification plugins.

While using OpenVAS, it’s best to integrate it with your CI/CD pipeline and invoke an OpenVAS API the moment a new infrastructure resource is spawned.

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Threat Detection & Response

You’ve got some preventive security controls going, awesome! But a lot of organisations do, and they still get breached! 

A famous quote by John Chambers (former CEO of Cisco Systems):

“There are two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those who don’t know they have been hacked.”

What’s next? 

Threat detection & response is the process by which an organisation enables itself to detect breaches or hacking attempts early on in the cyber attack kill chain. Thus hopefully stopping the adversaries before they’ve done too much damage or gotten hold of too much information.

Let’s talk about some open source tools that can enable such detection & response mechanisms.

#11 ElasticSearch, Logstash & Kibana

Use Case : Security Information & Event Management

Details : Needs little introduction, the ELK stack is an extremely fast and scalable log ingest and processing platform. It enables quick log ingest, parsing and enrichment post which indexed events can be analysed quickly via the Kibana interface. Security analysts can conduct investigations, or create dashboards to monitor security activity.

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Use Case : Host Intrusion Detection System & File Integrity Monitoring

Details : OSSEC is a popular host based intrusion detection system, which helps detect threats at a host level rather than a network level. It can be extended to respond to intrusions or threats via it’s Active Response component.

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#13 Wazuh

Use Case : Security Information & Event Management

Details : Wazuh is a self sufficient threat detection platform that pulls inventory / host information and threat detection telemetry. This event stream is then collected and correlated centrally to alert on intrusions or threats.

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#14 Ansible

Use Case : Security Orchestration

Details : Usually seen in the devops space, Ansible is primarily an automation and orchestration framework. IT or devops teams create Ansible playbooks to automate routine provisioning tasks; but that doesn’t mean it’s capabilities stop there. Security teams can leverage Ansible as a security orchestration platform in the incident response lifecycle to automate activities such as triage, remediation and containment. It ships with an array of integrations with most network or cloud infrastructure hence reducing the development overhead for such automation requirements.

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#15 GRR

Use Case : Remote Forensics

Details : Google Rapid Response is a useful forensics tool that aims at simplifying remote triage, response and artifact collection. A python based GRR agent is deployed across endpoints and production systems, and a server interface is used to centrally run forensics tasks such remotely.

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#16 Apache Metron

Use Case : Large Scale Security Analytics

Details : Initially termed as OpenSOC by Cisco, Apache Metron is a Hadoop backed security analytics platform. It is capable of ingesting a variety of log sources, carrying out realtime enrichment and streaming analytics. 

Note: Though support for Apache Metron has been deprecated, it is worth a mention here owing to it’s extreme scalability and robust architecture.
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Deep Packet Inspection

If going deep into threat detection & response is your thing, you’ve gotta try some deep packet inspection! 

#17 Zeek 

Use Case : Network Detection & Response

Details : Detecting the un-known should always remain a prominent aspect while managing an enterprise grade threat detection program. Most IDS/IPS or equivalent solutions run on signatures, which essentially means, it only catches threats that it is aware of (or has a signature for), the rest will fly under the radar. 

This is where deep packet inspection (and of-course monitoring it) with tools such as Zeek helps catch those stealthy adversaries early in the kill-chain. The key here is to use deep packet inspection tools in conjunction with SIEM platforms to profile and flag un-usual network activity for the SOC team to investigate and action.

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Summing up

There are hundreds of security tools out there, but finding ones that are tried and tested that solve for real problems might become a time consuming process. Hope this curated list of open source cloud security tools helps cut down that time on research. Apart from open source tools, there are cloud native services that provide alternate methods of achieving the similar objectives. In case you’re interested in reading further on this, check out our post around 7 AWS Networking Services Security Teams Should Know Of.

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